There is an African proverb that says: “When you pray, move your feet.” While there is immense value to listening and being still in prayer and seasons when waiting is what is being asked of us; as this proverb infers, prayer also involves response and action. It is much like love. Love is more than words spoken from our mouths. It must be lived out in the patterns and actions of our lives.
When we love, broken things of this world are restored and made new—even if it is in death. I recently received a poignant and brief letter from a woman whose sister was a guest of Kimbilio Hospice. Her message of thanks truly belongs to all who are a part of Living Room. She wrote: “If I may have a minute of your time, I just want you to know that my sister was cared for by your staff at Kimbilio, and I was grateful that she was surrounded by compassionate, loving people and died in a clean bed. I will always be grateful to Kimbilio for providing my sister that care. God bless you all for all you do for those who need it most.
Sincerely, Rebecca”
On behalf of Rebecca and all of the parents, spouses, siblings, children and friends of the guests of Kimbilio Hospice, thank you for helping us to love their loved ones. Thank you that, as you pray, you move your feet. There is much more work to be done.
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