On the Thursday afternoon that Veronica came to Kimbilio Hospice I had time to reflect upon the value and impact of Living Room as well as a very clear reminder of what is required to do this work. The answer is most simply: to love.
For nearly two hours, I sat, pressed into the back seat, with Veronica lying across my lap. I had never met her before that day; but she was a mother of three boys, whose body had been overtaken by cancer and cruel disease. She was in need of a place to find rest. A canister of oxygen, as well as tubes coming from all directions, told of the severity of her disease; but what captured my attention, in the midst of being hot and uncomfortable, was the sacredness of the moment.
I was gifted with the opportunity to love and care for a woman whose beauty would never grace the cover of a magazine. Her strength was limited and her words were few; but there was a spirit of gratitude that overflowed from her. She whispered that we must be people of God, and that she was thankful that we would provide a home for someone like her.
As I listened to her, I was aware that it does not matter who we are or where we live, as image bearers of God, we are called to live lives of compassion. For in this, the brokenness of the world, in big and small ways, is restored. As in the words of Mother Teresa, “let us touch the dying, the poor, the lonely, and the unwanted according to the graces we have received, and let us not be ashamed or slow to do the humble work.”
On behalf of Veronica and the countless others that Living Room serves, I am grateful for the team that stands with us so faithfully in prayer and in giving. It is with thanks that I write these words and pray that we may be ever growing in love.
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