As we enter this season that is set aside for giving thanks, I feel humbled and truly grateful as I remember the ways that Living Room has experienced the nearness and provision of God throughout this year. If I were to write it all down, I suppose that the pages of a book could easily be filled.
It has been six months since Kimbilio Hospice, Living Room’s 26 bed refuge, opened its doors. This house has enabled us to welcome and receive guests; but without a doubt, it is the presence of God that has brought life into the home. His nearness has allowed us, as the Living Room team, to carry out this compassionate work on a daily basis. I am so thankful for this privilege that we have been afforded. As we love, we purpose to see with eyes that recognize the image of God within each patient. We aim to quiet the noise of rejection that forbids people from experiencing the acceptance of God. And like the old Christmas hymn says, we have witnessed the beauty that arises when He appears and the soul finds its worth.
I have witnessed this in Eddah, a twenty-five year old living with HIV, who arrived to Kimbilio with much physical pain and little hopes that her leg could be saved. For the past three years, she has lived with a terribly painful wound that was unresponsive to all treatment. Beyond her physical brokenness, Eddah came to living room feeling forgotten and alone. Over the weeks, since Eddah’s arrival to Kimbilio, I have witnessed a beauty and joy return to this young woman that is impossible to put into words but is the evidence of what love can do. Diligent physical, emotional and spiritual care has been given, and it has restored Eddah’s hope of healing and wholeness. She, in a unique way, has captured the vision of Living Room and begun to care for our other guests in the hospice. She can often be found sitting on the veranda feeding her roommate Teresa or holding one of our malnourished babies. Shortly after her arrival, she requested to be baptized. Our church gathered one Sunday afternoon to stand with her in this decision and to celebrate the new life that was being birthed within her.
In this week of Thanksgiving, on behalf of Eddah and the entire Living Room team, I want to say THANK YOU for your continued love, prayers and financial support. Tumeshukuru sana—we are grateful.
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