Wanted to give you a glimpse into the wonders that happen at Kimbilio Hospice on a daily basis. Here are a few from this day:
• Simeon, a man who came to the hospice weak and alone, was told that he is well enough to go home.
• Abdi, a Muslim from Somalia, who is suffering terribly, arrived to Kimbilio today. Grateful for the opportunity that we have been given to love and care for him.
• Eddah, a guest who is gaining strength with each day, helped to feed and care for another patient who is unable to feed herself. It is moving to watch her compassion.
• 18 people filled the ambulance to go to clinic and receive HIV treatment and food support.
• Gogo, a grandmother who came to Kimbilio with excruciating pain from advanced breast cancer, went home to be with her family, pain-free.
• Agui, an elderly man who came to our home to find a place of peace and prayer, went home to be with Jesus this morning.
For each one, we are grateful. Thank you for your continued love, prayers and support.
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