On Friday, May 6th, 2011, we officially moved into Kimbilio Hospice! The hospice is a 24 bed, inpatient facility that houses adults and children living with life-limiting illness. It is located in Western Kenya.
In Kiswahili, the word kimbilio means “refuge or a place to run to.” For the sick and dying who have become the guests of Kimbilio Hospice, it has lived up to its name.
For information about Living Room’s patient services or admission to Kimbilio Hospice, please call at: 0707643662 or email infokenya@livingroominternational.org.
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Recently my sister was taken care of and passed away at your facilities.I had no idea such a wonderful, caring place existed in Kipkaren. I will always be grateful that my sister had a clean bed and caring people around her when she died. That thought gives me comfort.Thank you for your compassion, love & quality of care.Thanks for choosing to serve among those who need it most. I am touched by your work.