March 5th & 6th, 2016
Good Morning!
We are a little over half way through our time here in rural Kenya. It’s hard to put everything into words because the experience here has been so wonderful and amazing. The people of Kenya are so welcoming and kind that it has been easy to integrate into life here. I can already tell it’s going to be hard to leave at the end of this week.
This weekend we went into Eldoret where David showed us the property where the new Kimbilio Care Center will be built. It is gorgeous land and will make a beautiful setting. Then we went to lunch and had delicious pizza with Allison, David, Juli, and Ella. After lunch we stopped to purchase gifts for our loved ones and friends back home and then to the local store where we got some Kenyan coffee and other odds and ends. Sunday we taught Sunday school to the children and did a craft before attending the service. We each introduced ourselves to the congregation and then enjoyed the beautiful singing and listened to Pastor Helen talk about God’s healing power.
It is now Monday morning and we are preparing to go to Kimbilio where we will attend staff devotion. Some of us will then go on home visits and the rest will serve at the hospice in whatever way we are needed. I feel truly blessed to be here and to have been able to help provide care to the patients at Kimbilio. The nurses are very skilled and compassionate with their work and it is easy to see why they were chosen to work there. I look forward to serving at Kimbilio Hospice today and cherish the experiences I have had and will continue to have while here.
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