Our time at Kimbilio is at an end and we have made so many new friends and memories. Here are our top 10:
- My favorite memory is every moment we spent with our host families, the Tarus and Boit family. Through these two families, God has given me a deeper understanding of putting others before yourself. The whole three weeks we have been here, they have never failed to put our needs before their own and to make us feel so loved. – Kimmi
- My favorite memories (there’s two): 1. Sharing dinner every night with the Boit and Tarus families was an incredible time filled with laughter, awesome food, and prayer. God has truly blessed this place.
2. Treating a mother who carries her 5 month old baby multiple miles while going to work daily. When she arrived at the clinic she was unable to turn her neck to the right and had lots of pain. After the first manual treatment I turned her neck and when her head turned fully to the right, pain free, an enormous smile radiated from her face! She was glowing as she left the clinic! -Jacob
- Working with the staff of Living Room – Seeing their compassion and commitment to caring for the guests of Kimbilio and on outreach and home health. Seeing them be God’s hands and feet in Kenya is inspiring. -Dr. Eccles
- One of my favorite memories was watching the smile and joy on a bedridden patient’s face as we helped him sit up for the first time in years. Although we could do little to ease his pain or save his life, I pray that the simple joy of sitting up together over these past few weeks somehow reminded him of Christ’s love and grace. -Juliana’s
-One of my favorite memories was working with a 15 year old boy with a spinal cord injury leaving him paralyzed from the waist down. We taught him how to transfer from the floor into his wheelchair for the first time in his life. Until that point he had never done anything on his own and we were able to give him a little more independence. His smile after his first successful transfer filled me with so much joy! -Stephanie
-Some of my favorite memories have come from working with a 19 year old boy with glioblastoma. Throughout our time here he has been emerging out of his coma. During his first few treatments he was non responsive but each day we saw him he got a little better. As time went on he became more alert and aware of his surroundings and has even been able to squeeze our hands slightly and sit with less help. God has been showing me through him that even though I may not be able to fix everything, loving on someone can go a long way. -Nikki
-My favorite memory from this trip is actually one of the most recent ones. We had the privilege of working with a patient with a complete spinal cord injury meaning he had no motor function or sensation below the level of his injury. He had been a previous guest to the Living Room shortly after his initial injury and they had helped him return to his family and get back to as much of his life as possible. The reason for his return was a pressure sore that had developed on one of his legs. We helped him learn how to roll himself and gave him several exercises to work on to improve his independence once he left the Living Room. He later told the whole Living Room staff that he was grateful for their willingness to bring him back in to help him and that he was thankful for the exercises we gave him because with them he would be able to do more on his own. We were all blessed by his kind words and his appreciation of our time and service at the Living Room. With that one experience I can honestly say that this trip was totally worth us being here. -Anthony
- Jacob diving for the volleyball and landing in a cow pie (while missing the ball) and later slipping in another cow pie (or “black ice–Kenyan edition” as he calls it)
-The welcome and farewell ceremonies for us at Kimbilio. We loved the singing and celebration and felt so welcomed and loved by the staff that we will all miss!
- Our first Saturday we got to visit the new location of Kimbilio in Eldoret and explore the lovely land that God has provided for them. That same day we were also taken on a hike on the beautiful Boit Family property where Anthony’s memorable pants splitting incident occurred.
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