Know Your Role
This Monday morning began like any other Monday. Alarms went off, the sun rose, and we gathered to eat breakfast. However, this day soon became very special. We were picked up and driven to Living Room for Monday morning devotionals. Here, brother Bishop David Tarus shared an incredible insight to the passage from John 6: the feeding of the 5,000. He said, “We must know our role.” Many of us are consumed with counting our resources and often it doesn’t add up. But as this story reminds us, we are distributors of what God gives us and He is the manufacturer. He will give us exactly what we need; just as he fed the 5,000 with five loaves and two fish. Unbelievable! It was a miracle! Therefore, God is the manufacturer and we are the distributors! What a beautiful image. We need not worry when the finances don’t add up to attend to the calling of caring for the widow and feeding the poor. Simply put, we need to be willing to freely distribute as God graciously gives to us!
What an amazing vision we were given to start our day! After the back porch devotionals, our team was split to accomplish various tasks. Some team members went into the community to do home visits while others stayed to serve at the hospice.
In the afternoon, we took time to learn and teach alongside the current two physical therapists at the hospice. As the day came to a close we walked back to the house, it rained for a few minutes, and dinner was prepared. Every night dinner is special because we get to sit around the table to laugh and share stories as a team. Bwana asifiwe, which means “Praise the Lord” in Swahili. Just another great day in Kenya!
Category: Blog, Teams
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