Over the last few days, our team has had the opportunity to do so many great things! On Friday, five of us went with the outreach team to a neighboring community in Osorongai while two of us remained at Kimbilio Hospice (LRI). At the outreach, we treated 18 patients with the help of the awesome translators and Kenyan physical therapist, Nancy. We have seen quite a variety of diagnoses since we have been here, which has both challenged us and pushed us to be better therapists. Friday evening, we had the opportunity to go to the Empowering Lives International (ELI) Kipkaren Children’s Home (www.empoweringlivesinternational.org) where Jacob gave a short devotional for the kids and Kimmi distributed the Bibles that her church had donated for them.
Saturday brought new adventures as we headed to Eldoret to see the land purchased for the new hospice center. Juli and David shared the story of how they found the land and how God’s hand was in the whole process. The new site is amazingly beautiful and serene! Exactly what they were looking for. On the way back we stopped at Juli’s husband’s (Titus) family farm. There Titus took us on a hike through their land which included a forest with monkeys! At one point, the men built a bridge with rocks to cross the stream. Anthony, using perfect biomechanics of course, squatted down to pick up a rock for the bridge during which he split his pants! And when I say split, I don’t mean just like a little rip…we’re talking the whole seam. This of course brought laughter to all of us for the rest of the day. After a few stream crossings, we were led to the most breath taking view that looked over the valley.
Sunday we attended church where we were warmly welcomed. We were given the opportunity to share what physical therapy is and tell the congregation some common movement faults we are seeing and how to correct them. While the service was much longer than what we were used to, we really enjoyed worshipping with our brothers and sisters in Christ! Later that afternoon, we went to the school with Allison and David’s son, Rhema, to play volleyball. We thought it wouldn’t be very competitive, man were we wrong! At one point, Jacob dove for a ball and when he stood up he discovered he had just dove through a giant cow pie! The worst part was he didn’t even get the ball. Needless to say, the rest of us were beside ourselves with laughter! We ended our weekend with dinner at Allison and David’s home where David gave all of us Kalenjin (the local tribal language) names.
We have all been enjoying our time here so much. The people are amazingly kind and welcoming and I think it is safe to say that all of us will be leaving a piece of our heart here at Kimbilio.
Nikki Metz
Category: Blog, Teams
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