The conference is scheduled for 19th to 21st July 2015 at the Kenyatta International Convention Center (KICC) in Nairobi, Kenya. The theme of the conference whose theme will be “Investing to save lives: The Role of Public-Private Sector Partnerships”. The Conference will bring together First Ladies, Parliamentarians, Ministers of Health, Health Professionals, Scientists, Advocates against cancer, Corporate entities and other relevant stakeholders. Living Room is excited to be a part of this important conference.
It is estimated that cancer kills over 8 million people globally every year, constituting close to 13% of the total deaths worldwide. 70% of cancer deaths occur in low and middle income countries, majority of which are in Africa. In Kenya, cancer ranks third as a cause of death after infectious and cardiovascular diseases; accounting for 7% of total national deaths every year. This harsh reality therefore calls for concerted efforts aimed at promoting cancer prevention, early detection, improved diagnosis and treatment including palliative care (http://sccakenya2015.org/).
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