Dear friends and family,
As we complete our second week in Kipkaren, we can’t help but be thankful for all our experiences here. I can’t remember what day we last posted on, so we will take off on Thursday.
On Thursday, Mama Chiri began her research in the community. The families are very welcoming and appreciative of our presence and assistance.
Mama Chiri with one of the families in the community.
Friday, Tiffany and Lianna went to the “AMPATH” HIV clinic with a few Kimbilio patients for their regular check-ups. Mama Chiri, Dinah and Brooke served at UPEC Chebaiywa Health Center where they worked with many patients and observed a tooth extraction. We also made a presentation to the staff about Arthritis.
Dinah holds a patient’s hand as she undergoes a tooth extraction at UPEC Chebaiywa Health Center.
Saturday morning, we all woke up very early and helped some of David’s sons milk cows. The remainder of the day Mama Chiri and Dinah took a day to rest by helping with laundry and taking a walk. Lianna, Tiffany, Brooke and the Health Center team took a road trip to attend a staff member’s wedding.
Lianna, Brooke, and Tiffany posing for pictures with the bride and groom along with the Health Center staff.
Sunday morning the team attended UPEC Chebaiywa Church. Unlike last Sunday where we all got up and introduced ourselves (the tradition for new-comers), this week we got up and said goodbye, since it is our last Sunday in Kenya. The remainder of the day was filled with baking “thank-you” brownies for friends here in Kipkaren and enjoying dinner at the Tarus home.
It is crazy to think we have been here for two weeks already and are beginning our third. We feel at home here—we have made so many new friends and formed so many relationships. We are going to cherish the time we have left and pray that one day we will return.
Sending love from Chebaiywa,
Brooke (writer), Lianna, Tiffany, Dinah and Mama Chiri
P.S. We are all healthy and doing well!
Category: Blog, Teams
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