Hi again! We know you are all curious what we have been up to the past few days. Here, I hope to satisfy your curiosity.
Friday, Brooke, Dinah and Mama Chiri spent some time with patients at Kimbilio Hospice while Tiffany and Lianna worked in the UPEC Chebaiywa Health Center.
Brooke coloring with some young guests at Kimbilio Hospice
On Saturday, we had some free time in the schedule so we took a walk through the village to a beautiful look out. Along the way we made friends with some local children and met with some friends for chai, also taking the opportunity to examine their new baby.
At the look out
Mama Chiri auscultating baby Joy’s heart sounds
On Sunday we went to church with our friends. There, we helped with the children’s program and sang a song, I Love You Lord, for the congregation.
After church we went to the Kipkaren Market where we bought several things, two of which were chickens for dinner on Wednesday.
Sunday evening we also had our first real experience of getting soaked by the equatorial rain as we walked to the Empowering Lives International Children’s Home for devotions with the kids.
Monday, we were blessed with the opportunity to make the 2 hour drive to Eldoret town to visit Moi Hospital, the 2nd largest referral hospital in the country. We are still processing through what we saw, including babies abandoned shortly after birth for being HIV positive, 2+ patients in each bed, and nurse to patient ratios of 1:16 (sometimes as high as 1:20).
Overall, God has been present in everything we do and in everyone we meet. We are all healthy and happy and in good hands here in Chebaiywa (our village). Thank you for reading, we will post an update again soon!
Brooke, Lianna, Tiffany, Dinah, and Mama Chiri
Category: Blog, Teams
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