On Saturday, January 29th, Living Room welcomed our neighbors and friends, from near and far, to celebrate the launching of Kimbilio Hospice. In truth, the days preceding the “grand opening” were filled with frustration as construction was delayed and nothing seemed to go as expected. In my disappointment, I sensed God speaking to me that this day of commemoration was not about a building nor was is it to glorify our efforts and achievements. It was a day to celebrate the loving-kindness of God; and together, that is what we did—with singing, dancing, eating and sharing.
Typically, in official Kenyan functions like this, government officials or people highly esteemed by society are invited to be the Guest of Honor for the day. For this day, we invited previous patients of Living Room to come and be our guests. It was beautiful to have Catherine, Selina and Esther share about their journeys and the way God used Living Room to restore hope, dignity and health within their lives.
Our other guest for the day was five-year old, Flovia. Although nearly three years have passed since I found this malnourished baby lying on a kitchen floor, I remember it like it was yesterday. For the sake of loving her, our team engaged in a battle we did not initially set out to fight. What started as an isolated situation of creating a treatment center, a home of sorts, for Flovia gave birth to the dream of Living Room. During Saturday’s ceremony, David Tarus, a courageous and compassionate Kenyan leader, held Flovia in front of the community and shared about “the God of Flovia.” He said that in the Bible there are references to the God of Abraham and the God of Isaac; but in Kipkaren, we refer to and believe in the God of Flovia. Through her life, we have seen God’s hand and discovered more of His heart.
On behalf of Flovia and the thousands of others who will find hope at Kimbilio Hospice, thank you for your generous prayers, love and financial support that make this possible.
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