Carolyne Mwanzi Kabendi
Born: 1980
Recurring Guest at the Living Room since February, 2010
When Carolyne first arrived to Kimbilio Hospice, she was terribly sick and near death. Her immune system was nonexistent from HIV/AIDS, and her body was weak. Although she was only 30 years old, she could no longer walk or speak. She had already lost both of her children to AIDS, and her suffering was simply too much. All she did was scream. Carolyne was dependent upon the Living Room team for all of her basic needs, and for months, Kimbilio Hospice did all they could to provide relief for her physical, emotional, and spiritual pain. It is hard to say what caused her screaming to one day stop. Maybe it was reprieve from the pain, acceptance that she was loved, or some sort of grace from God. Whatever the cause, Carolyne began to come back to life—with more joy and beauty than can be described.
Carolyne currently lives at home with her mother and loves to sing and dance. Though her body is still broken in many ways, her spirit is very much alive. Living Room’s home-based care team continues to visit and monitor her on a routine basis.
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